eco-friendly, saves your fuel costs, environmental awareness,

Start saving the planet by choosing Greentech Fuel Saver!

About Greentech

Before Greentech was established as a brand, they were “Moletech” a nanotechnology & biotechnology application company respected as a global supplier for innovative chemicals since 2009.
From the very beginning, Greentech has been dedicated to eliminating the side effects caused by traditional chemical products; hoping to reduce air and water pollution for the sake of our precious and irreplaceable Earth and bring the world an easier, cleaner, and healthier life!

Greentech’s Partners of Environmental Protection

Due to heightened environmental awareness nowadays, many enterprises are starting to put efforts into environmental protection. With the simple fuel saver of Greentech, enterprises can reach the goals of being eco-friendly and saving fuel costs at the same time! Many countries and enterprises are now partnered with Greentech due to the same reason.
Greentech eco-friendly saves your fuel costs environmental awareness

Some of our partners:

  • TVS Motor, the third-largest motor manufacturer in the world
  • Ashok Leyland, the fourth largest bus manufacturer in the world
  • Ashirvad Pipes, an international manufacturer of PVC pipes
  • Sagar Cements Limited (SCL), one of the leading cement manufacturers in India
  • Grab, a company that provides traffic and financial services in Southeast Asia
These international corporations all emphasize the importance of environmental issues with Greentech.
For example, Ashirvad Pipes reduced 20% of gas fuel for their boiler equipment by implementing a Greentech fuel saver in their pipes where gas ignites. Also, five-star hotels like Mayfair and Radisson Hotels as well as the street food vendors in India saved 20% of natural gas usage with Greentech’s fuel saver!
Greentech’s products are also used for fishing boats in Vietnam, transportation in factories, the delivery teams of GRAB, etc. Moreover, the government of Ethiopia even enacted a regulation in which all vehicles entering the capital Addis Ababa are required to use Greentech fuel saver to achieve emission reduction.

Greentech Fuel Saver

To achieve the goal of reducing the Earth’s pollution, Greentech noticed the serious air pollution caused by the fuel engines of vehicles. Although environmentally friendly hybrid electric vehicles are more common in recent years, the most common fuel burned by most vehicles is still gasoline and diesel fuel.
Theoretically speaking, only water and carbon dioxide should be produced with the burning of this kind of fuel.
However, the fuel is usually not fully burned when the engine is started.
This is called incomplete combustion and would disperse substances such as carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in the air, resulting in poor air quality and being one of the reasons why lung cancer is so common today.
In the meantime, incomplete combustion leads to the inability of the fuel to be effectively converted into kinetic energy, thus causing a waste of energy.
To deal with that, Greentech has developed a fuel-saving device that uses molecular enhancement technology to reduce the incomplete combustion of the engine! In addition to improving the problem of air pollution, it can also make vehicles more fuel-efficient!

Greentech Fuel Saver Implementation Guide

The Greentech fuel-saving device includes two components: one “fuel enhancement device” and one “air refining device”. The installation can be completed easily within two steps:
1.)First, install the “fuel enhancement device”. Make sure the diameter of the pipe leading to the fuel tank is larger than the fuel enhancement device and whether an anti-siphon device is installed or not.
If there’s no anti-siphon device and the pipe is wide enough, you can throw the Greentech fuel enhancement device directly into the fuel tank. Concluding the first step.
(For vehicles equipped with anti-siphon devices, please refer to the complete installation instruction video below)
2.)After the fuel enhancement device is installed, attach the “air refining device” inside the air intake hose or beneath the air filter net of the air filter box and secure it with foam tape and a plastic cable tie then the installation is done!

The Effectiveness of using Greentech Fuel Saver

The benefits of installing Greentech fuel-saving devices are divided into the following three types:
1.)Reducing exhaust emissions
According to the test results with multiple car brands and models, Greentech fuel-saving devices can reduce the number of unburned gasoline residues, that is, hydrocarbons, by an average of about 70%.
2.)Reducing fuel cost
A good example would be in Karnataka, India, 8% of the public transport fuel consumption in the province has been saved because they have installed Greentech fuel-saving devices in their buses!
If we assume that the monthly fuel consumption for public buses is $100 million, Greentech fuel-saving devices can save $8 million in expenses, what a deal!
3.)Raising horsepower
From experiment data, we noticed that the horsepower of a vehicle increases by about 7% after 30 minutes of the installation of Greentech. The same data shows the increase of horsepower would even climb up to about 11% after one week of installation.
We invite you to join the ranks of Greentech and the world’s leading enterprises and learn more about us, so we can “Get Greentech, Go Green” together!



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How it works?

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